Thursday, June 26, 2014

  1. Sherry Lee Bretz
    A silent holocaust is taking place today. I am still weak from the unbearable torture and pain caused by last nights weapon attack. a dark terrorist army attacks me every night with advanced weapons. They are crippling me. They set my body on fire when I try to sleep and tamper with my brain in nazi fashion. These people are soldiers with a pass to kill and impair people who they target for slow kill and devilish experiments. The pain gets more unbearable all the time becausse they are breaking down more of my body each day. I hope the supreme courts decision will help to make this stop. I hope something can be done about this to make the torture stop. According to my blood work and last test results there may not be hope for me since things have gotten so bad from on going abuse but maybe the pain will lighten up if the attacks stop. I sure hope so. This is evil. None enduring simular torture in this country has received any relief. Someone needs do something about human torture and mind experiments today being done on people like me in America.I am receiving more threats of being arrested by stalker bullies for speaking the truth and standing up for what I believe in. My brain is being tortured remotely for their sick thrill. They can try all they want to keep me enslaved and terrorize me but murder is a crime. They are trying to control a women after she exposed a cult of prominent people that serve the dark side. They turned me into some kind of nazi experiment for slow kill torture after I shared the saved the evidence with the police and reported them. They thought they could control me and make me a lab experiment. Every time i spoke out they tortured me more until I couldn't tolerate it anymore. They hack my brain and perform terrible mind experiments thinking they can punish me for revealing their evil crimes and global conspiracy. They wanted to make me watch myself slowly die but they didn't kill my spirit and I didn't slowly die. God is protecting me. They thought through terror and torture they could get me to be submissive and tollerate years of theft, mental abuse and physical torture through advanced weapons. They thought their untraceable mind weapons would destroy me.
    I have reached out for help in my country and not received any relief. Taking someone to the brink of insanity through stalking and terror and mind invasion while trying to convince them to comit suicide through a terrorist group of satan worshippers who stalk them daily is enough to kill anybody. Every time they attack me i record them and capture lisence plates and take pictures. I spent years sending the plates to the local police for exposure. Now i just send everything elsewhere. I know the mountain of evidence is high enough to baffle lawyers. People can't just target someone for nazi torture and mental abuse and slow kill and not leave a trail of evidence. They may think their day has come to do whatever they feel like it but there is a judge and jury out there and in heaven. I've written too many stories about their nonsense. I've written many stories. I need help and refuge and hope. I saved on line correspondence where I warned Paris Jackson of this same group shortly before she was attacked on line and driven over the edge to attempt suicide. I posted at her twitter and facebook page warning her before her breakdown about them. None protected her from stalkers and none is protecting me.
    This strange group tells me they want my soul. They will never have that because I'm a strong fighter sherry Lee Mcdowell Bretz (citizen of the United States Of America) I have no criminal record.I met the wrong people I guess
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  2. Please do something about human torture and mind experiments being done on people like me in America.I am receiving more threats of being arrested by stalker bullies for speaking the truth and standing up for what I believe in. My brain is being tortured remotely for their sick thrill. They can try all they want to keep me enslaved and terrorize me but murder is a crime. They are trying to control a women after she exposed a cult of prominent people that serve the dark side. They turned me into some kind of nazi experiment for slow kill torture after I shared the saved the evidence with the police and reported them. They thought they could control me and make me a lab experiment. Every time i spoke out they tortured me more until I couldn't tolerate it anymore. They hack my brain and perform terrible mind experiments thinking they can punish me for revealing their evil crimes and global conspiracy. They wanted to make me watch myself slowly die but they didn't kill my spirit and I didn't slowly die. God is protecting me. They thought through terror and torture they could get me to be submissive and tollerate years of theft, mental abuse and physical torture through advanced weapons. They thought their untraceable mind weapons would destroy me.
    I have reached out for help in my country and not received any relief. Taking someone to the brink of insanity through stalking and terror and mind invasion while trying to convince them to comit suicide through a terrorist group of satan worshippers who stalk them daily is enough to kill anybody. Every time they attack me i record them and capture lisence plates and take pictures. I spent years sending the plates to the local police for exposure. Now i just send everything elsewhere. I know the mountain of evidence is high enough to baffle lawyers. People can't just target someone for nazi torture and mental abuse and slow kill and not leave a trail of evidence. They may think their day has come to do whatever they feel like it but there is a judge and jury out there and in heaven. I've written too many stories about their nonsense. I've written many stories. I need help and refuge and hope. I saved on line correspondence where I warned Paris Jackson of this same group shortly before she was attacked on line and driven over the edge to commit suicide. I posted at her twitter and facebook page before her breakdown. None protected her from stalkers and none is protecting me.
    This strange group tells me they want my soul. They will never have that because I'm a strong fighter sherry Lee Mcdowell Bretz (citizen of the United States Of America) I have no criminal record.I met the wrong people I guess

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